A Vacant Lot Rethought

As a presage to the Accordience concept, many ideas were envisioned looking at the border of the urban "missing tooth." When a building is missing in the middle of a block, the street wall is broken creating an uncomfortable scenario. Often, the vegetation becomes unruly, waste is dumped there or other untoward activities occur. The liability of an unsanctioned lot usage can thus be detrimental to the site. Therefore usually, lot owners resort to chain link fencing as a pragmatic method to deter people from using the lot.

However, there are other means to provide a barrier but simultaneously engage the pedestrian.

A Workout on the street: Blow off a little steam by hitting the bag. When done simply slide the equipment back into place.

Tools for the neighborhood. Empowers local residents with street cleaning tools that everyone shares. The painted handles give away where they came from and where they belong.

Grab a bite. A makeshift storefront that gives a bit more space than the food cart and could earn income on the lot.

Art gallery. Showcase a local artist's work for a month at a time.

Book swap. Take a book, leave a book.

Graffiti zone. A chalkboard wall can compete with the permanence of graffiti and is easier to police. Go big!

Chess anyone? Gaming keeps minds active and eyes on the street.

Sidewalk sale. A simple peg board allows locals to set up shop anytime. When items are displayed well, sales skyrocket.

Recycling station. Color coded and simple to use, these containers would educate the community about what technical nutrients are in their trash. Each container can be simply wheeled from its slot to the hauler.

Achtung! Leave the lot open, but tread lightly, there could be landmines.

Climbing wall. Test your strength and agility to obtain a better view. Climb at your own risk!